Janne Lee

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4 Steps to Self-care using your Art Journal

With the busy season upon us, it's time to take a little self-care.  Today I will talk about self-care using your art journal.


Even if it is a little nook in the corner of a room, dedicate a space for you to work. Have some supplies out, your water jar filled, maybe a plant, candle, incense, crystals, whatever speaks to you. This way even if you only have 10 minutes, you can do a little something for yourself. You'll be surprised at what 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there will lead to.

When I'm finished working I find that little rituals help for the next time I want to sit down to create. One is I always clean my water jars and refill them with clean water so I'm ready to go. I tidy up my space so it feels inviting for me to come back to. If I have left my table in a mess, I'm less likely to want to sit down and deal with the mess first before creating. We are all different though, I thought I would just share what works for me.


Use the supplies you have. And limit the number of supplies you use. Sometimes trying to use "all the things" just gets too overwhelming. You really don't need a lot to get started.

When you are ready to try a new material start with just getting it in a few colors that you love and play with them before buying an entire set. You may fall in love with it or find that you just don't like it and you don't have to feel guilty you bought an entire set of something you just don't like. I have tried several different brands of paint for instance. I have found some paints I just don't like how they perform for me. Other artists may love them. It's all a personal preference.

Not sure where to begin with that blank page staring you in the face? Sometimes I like to journal what's on my mind. I may or may not see any or part of it in the end, but it really helps me get moving. Sometimes just splash some paint, add a few collage pieces to it, whatever moves you. Remember it's about the process and NOT the finished piece.

If you're excited about something you discovered in the process, write it down so you can go back to it in the future.


Do not try to make a perfect, beautiful piece of “art” Creative journaling is ALL about the process. The end result does not matter. Your art journal is for you and no one else unless you chose to share it. The purpose of an art journal is to experiment, play and have fun. See what happens. Journal, scribble splatter paint and try out different materials.

The process of creating is where the magic happens. Note your feelings that day, what's going on in your life? It will definitely reflect in your journal and that's a good thing. Your art journal is where you can let it all out and express yourself and your feelings, another part of self-care. This is where transformations happen.


First, forget about Instagram and all the beautifully curated feeds you see. As a matter of fact. Definitely don't even look at IG before you sit down to create. You don't generally see these artists as "ugly art". But, believe me, we all have "ugly" art at every stage and it's okay.

You want to create from your own authentic self, not someone else's. Comparison can really hamper your creativity, leave you feeling inferior, less than adequate, or just not good enough. It's just downright counterproductive.

Your art journal is a great place to also see your growth. Look at where you started and see the progress you have made. That would be the only comparison that is worthwhile.

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