Janne Rossman

“Creativity is experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”

˜Mary Lou Cook

My Story

My Eclectic Symphony: Nature, Art, and Living Life to the Fullest

My heart beats to the rhythm of the eclectic. You'll find me most often in my 1936 Sears & Roebuck haven, lovingly remodeled, or lost in the sprawling gardens I coaxed from the earth. But "create" is much too small a word for what I do. My soul resonates with a multitude of artistic languages, a symphony of a mixture of mediums echoing my vibrant lifestyle.

From my eclectic home decor (infused with biophilic design) to my free-spirited wardrobe and adventurous palate, it's the tapestry of beauty that captivates me. Nature is my muse, her whispers calling me to collect treasures – an interesting stone, a feather light as air, a discarded nest whispering tales of feathered families. Every texture, every intricate pattern, is a symphony to my senses.

A twist in the road? A flash of color catching my eye? I'm off, camera in hand, to capture the moment, breathe in the fresh air, or lose myself in the babbling rhythm of a hidden stream. Exploration is my fuel, and nowhere is that fire brighter than when I'm traveling, camping, soaking in the unique beauty each landscape paints across my senses. Even the tiniest whisper of texture, the subtlest dance of pattern, fuels my artistic fire. I seek the untamed, the places beyond the tourist throngs, for it's there that a place reveals its true soul.

Nature's whispers weave through my art, from the subjects I choose to the way I translate them onto the canvas, the very materials I bring to life. And I hope, when you explore my gallery, you'll hear those whispers too, perhaps even find the spark to bring a touch of nature's eclectic beauty into your own home.

But life isn't always a canvas of vibrant hues. Recently, fate threw me a curveball – leukemia and lymphoma. But my motto has always been, "When life throws lemons, make lemonade!" So, I hung up my art teacher hat after 30 fulfilling years and embraced this chance to focus on my artistic journey. Learning, exploring, creating – these are the threads that weave through my life, no matter my age. And I can't wait to see what this new chapter holds.

The greatest masterpiece I've ever created?

My daughter. She's the source of countless joys and memories, a woman of extraordinary strength and grace, and the mother of my three precious grandchildren, my little angels whose laughter brightens every day.

So, come, explore my world, hear the whispers of nature reflected in my art, and maybe, just maybe, find your own spark of eclectic beauty to ignite.

 When I’m not painting you may find me . . .

Visiting with my grand-babies

Enjoying time in the outdoors with Cookie, my fur-baby

Working in my garden

Feeding & watching my resident birds

Fun Facts About Me

• I live in a 1936 Sears & Roebuck home that I remodeled • I have a little Yorkie named Cookie, 11 years old, who thinks she’s a human

• I recently remarried to the love of my life. • I also have 3 cats Sugar, kitty Kat & O’Malley

• I’m an avid gardener & created the gardens around my home • I love collecting rocks; I have quite a collection.

• I have 38 birdhouses and feeders around my home! (I 🤎Birds!). • I love camping and traveling, particularly road trips.

My background

 • BFA in Visual Communications

• Graphic Artist for 12 years

• MFA in Art Education

• Photographer 12 years

• Art Educator 30 years

• Artist & maker always & forever