Why I’ve been M.I.A.

Why I’ve been gone

I wanted to let everyone know why I have been MIA lately. Two years ago I lost my husband in a tragic motorcycle accident, then three months following I lost my best friend and her sleep and then six months after that I was diagnosed with two types of cancers. So I've been going through chemo and that has taken a toll on me. I'm now getting adjusted to my new reality. And chemo brain, yes it is a real thing. And it sucks. I have had to leave my job after 30 years teaching art. There is an upside, now I can fully explore my own personal art and ideas that I've been yearning to do.

Let me give you a brief Background

Before cancer, I worked and squeezed in creating whenever I could just as many other artists do. Art is always been in my life. Every since I was a young girl my mom would put me into art classes which I absolutely loved. I originally studied graphic design and then I pursued that for 10 years. And then went back to school for art education and taught art for 30 years in multi mediums to all types of age groups. In between that, I had a photography business for 12 years. I miss the dark room in the magic of it. While working I began taking classes and workshops out of town, then online since I couldn’t always 1. take off work 2. couldn’t afford to constantly pay for workshops (even though I loved going to them!) I gradually began collecting a lot of art supplies and played around with them on my own.

What I’m doing now, where I’m going

What's my time now in new freedom I want to explored many art mediums, techniques and types of art, and the list goes on. It's going to be an interesting journey. I'd like to take you on this journey and it will be called ……”An Artist’s Journal” I’m documenting my journey as an artist now that I can devote my life to my true love and passion, and that’s creating.

I’ve always been a life long learner and creator from home decor, refinishing furniture, gardening, landscaping, photography, graphic design and my BIGGEST LOVE fine ART . And I mean lots of types of art and mixing up the mediums, from photography to drawing, painting, fiber arts, paper-making, batik, clay and list goes on. This summer I’ve been into botanical printing. It’s taken a lot of testing to see what botanical plants will print and how they react. It’s been quite a science experiment. The fall is going quick this year so been trying to finish more of these while there are still leaves. I have so many ideas swimming around my head. To keep apprised on the happenings in the studio, please subscribe to the Studio Insider here. If you would like to join some challenges in my Mixed Media and Art Journaling Facebook group, click HERE. If you would like to find me on other social channels you can find the links HERE.


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