Indigo Dreams: Love, Loss & Healing

Indigo Dreams is the body of work that has transpired through the healing of love, loss and illness. This collection has helped heal me from the grief and transform that grief into something of beauty. This collection is also my farewell to John, kind of like my last love letter to him.

The inspiration behind this series was born from much recent loss in my life and the symbolism comes from what blue represents. Blue portrays introspective journeys and symbolizes wisdom and depth of understanding. It can also evoke sadness as in Picasso’s blue period. This collection is the completing of my blue period of life. (The loss of my dear husband, followed by the loss of my best friend and then acquiring two cancers.) But on the other side of the storm there is peace, calm and serenity. Blue promotes both physical and mental relaxation. It is the color of the spirit and trust, honesty and loyalty.

Many of the pieces incorporate bits of John’s jeans and even coffee. We loved to enjoy our morning coffee together. This collection is also filled with much texture and a feeling of the old and worn. You will also find cyanotype. Cyanotype is a process that the combination of sun and water reveals the beauty of an object from within. This collection is full of texture and slight nuances as life is full of. Many are abstract landscapes. Just as a flower blossoms from the dirt, I feel that I have risen from the dirt and ashes to a new lease on life.

I hope you find peace and tranquility in this collection.


Ink & Drawing Delights: Creative Collection


Crafting Walnut Ink: Earth's Elegance